October 30, 2024 | 3 minute read

Many skin conditions can cause itchy, dry patches. Psoriasis is a chronic condition that creates inflamed, dry, itchy patches of skin that appear scaly. This blog discusses how people can check their skin to see if they are experiencing psoriasis symptoms and how seeing a dermatologist can confirm a diagnosis.
Itchy Skin
Many people want to go about their everyday routines without ever having to think about their skin. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to achieve when itchy, inflamed skin has you constantly scratching and further irritating the surface of your skin. Itchy skin is a common thing that most people deal with from time to time, often due to irritants or allergic reactions. Often, mild cases of itchy skin can resolve on their own or with assistance from cold compresses, ointments, or moisturizers. However, persistent itchy skin may indicate a chronic skin condition.
Since itchy skin is so common, it can be difficult for many people to seek dermatology care or obtain a diagnosis if they aren’t aware of the need to look out for this symptom. Yet, if itchy skin interferes with your daily life, it is worth further investigating. Those experiencing dry, scaly patches of itchy skin may be dealing with psoriasis. Ignoring persistent itchy skin could cause the condition to worsen.
What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system, which makes skin cells multiply quicker than necessary. This causes the skin to develop rashes in dry and scaly patches. There are different types of psoriasis, each of which may show up in various body regions and differ in appearance.
Most commonly, psoriasis symptoms include:
- Patchy rashes
- Pink or purple scaly rashes
- Rashes that routinely flare-up
- Very dry skin, prone to bleeding
- Skin that sheds easily when scratched
While psoriasis is not contagious, some people are more genetically susceptible to it. Additionally, environmental factors can influence your skin and possibly trigger the condition. Colder weather tends to trigger psoriasis, and lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking can also trigger this condition.
Examining Your Skin
A good habit to get into is regularly checking your skin all over your body, as this allows you to notice any changes or new developments quickly. This is a great way to check your moles for any changes that could be an early sign of skin cancer and to check for rashes. Take note of when your itchy skin flare-ups occur and what your rashes look like. Many dermatologists recommend that patients self-examine their own skin monthly, which can help you take control of your skin’s health.
Getting a Psoriasis Diagnosis
Monitoring symptoms and checking your skin may help determine if you have psoriasis. However, consulting a dermatologist and getting a diagnosis can confirm your condition and provide treatment options, which may include topical creams, light therapy, oral medications, or injections.
Schedule Your Consultation in Scottsdale, AZ
If consistently itchy skin has been bothering you, schedule a consultation with the Skin and Cancer Center to get your skin examined. To learn more about psoriasis or to make a consultation appointment, call (480) 596-1110 or fill out our online contact form.